Extension Activities

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Extension Activities

The students have taken up extension activities of the Living Lab as part of course programme with dual objectives i.e. part of learning and to gain marketing technique to equip themselves to take up entrepreneurship.

Areas of Extension activities are;

Earn While Learn : A sustainable Model.

The concept of “Earn while Learn ” ; The Products produced through campus living lab. will be marketed among local community , parents , teachers & Staff . The profit earned from the sale , given to the students.


Multigrain Atta preferable  for Diabetic persons containing 8 type of  grains  ,prescribed by the Registered Dietician.


Organic Turmeric powder by procuring raw turmeric from Kandhamal.


Distributing products of Agril-Living lab in form of Kitchen/Terrace Garden seedling Kit, containing items i.e Vegetable seedlings, Medicinal plants, /control your Diabetes, Air purifier plants /Flower plants/Ornamentals ( Both indoor & outdoor),/Vermi compost/Bonsai plant/Designed pot, Vermicompost , Mix manure & Bio-enzyme , Hydroponic Model ,Health snacks ,Bio Pesticide & Diabetic Powder.

Odisha Krushi – (AGRI EXPO)

An Exclusive Exhibition for Agriculture Products Machineries, Seeds, Agri Chemicals, Poultry, Livestock, Dairy & Agri processing Technologies organized by state government every year.

The expo provides an excellent platform to the exhibitors to showcase their products, services, technologies, strength etc. to lakhs of farmers. Our students participated  since 2011 and opened a stall to showcase their different agro-based products( Vermicompost ,bio pesticide , mix organic manure , neem cake , hydroponic model , different plants with pot )   in the exhibition and  got exposure to the latest developments in the field of agriculture, including new variety of seeds, equipment, techniques, technologies, irrigation systems etc.

Street food festival

(As a micro business model)

As part of the Course Curriculum, the Agribusiness Students of Utkal University organized the street food festival on 26th- 28th January every year  in the University campus. The different food items were prepared by students in groups according to the culture and tradition of their state Origin. The food items were hygiene, up to the taste and being served in neat and cleanliness. At the end primarily they learn how they will venture into micro-enterprises of their preferences. The festival pooled huge number of food lovers of the campus and across the city. The festival astonishingly gained economic viability besides instilling confidence among the students.
